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Opportunity for M.Pharm, M.Sc in DST sponsored research project, NIPER

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Here is an Opportunity for M.Pharma, M.Sc candidates in the department of science and technology (DST) sponsored research project, NIPER.

Opportunity for M.Pharm, M.Sc in DST sponsored research project, NIPER

The Indian scientists’ innovative and translational approach led to a paradigm shift from the industrial age to a knowledge-rich economy. The development of human resources has been greatly aided by pharmaceutical education, which has also fueled the expansion of the healthcare and life sciences sectors. The globalization wave has fueled the growth of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. In terms of the volume and price of pharmaceutical products, India is one of the top 10 countries in the world. Gujarat is now the center of the pharmaceutical industry thanks to enthusiastic and entrepreneurial efforts.

Vacancy Details for JRF

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Junior research follows vacancy is on a temporary basis. application for the JRF position is founded by the science and research board (SERB), department of science and technology (DST), and core research grant (CRG). The position for JRF is for 1 year (temporary). although periods may extend based on performance.

Project-based On: Exercise Imitig anti-microRNA Lipodentriflex for prevention and treatment of obesity

Principle investigator (PI): Dr, Rakesh Kumar Tekade is an associate professor and HOD at the National institute of pharmaceutical education and Research, Ahmedabad

Required Qualifications:

Qualification required for the JRF is M.Sc./M.S/M.Tech/M.Pharm in Bioengineering / Biotechnology / Biomedical Engineering / Biochemistry / Biochemical engineering / Pharmacology / Pharmaceutics / Life Sciences.

candidates with experience in the following: Handling of mammalian cell culture, agarose gel electrophoresis, qRT-PCR, RNA isolation, and western blot. handling laboratory animals like mouse/rate, staining, etc. will be extra beneficial for this position.
the project focuses on the following:

  • molecular biology and evaluation of mRNA nanoformulation
  • Preclinical validation and cell line inVIVO animal c


Fellowship: Rs. 31000 and plus 24%HRA (as per SERB and DST Norms)

Instruction for candidates:

  • At the time of the interview bring all original documents and self-attested copies of all documents.
  • TA/DA not be paid to attend the interview
  • false statement leads to the disqualification of candidature.
  • the application should be as prescribed in the attached format.
  • send your application before 31 st august,2022 up to 5:00 PM.
  • The tentative date of the interview is 1st September 2022
  • The interview will be online from 9:00 am Onwards

Related: United States Pharmacopeia (USP) jobs

Note: Interested candidates requested to send your application to Registrar, NIPER via emails at ([email protected]) with a copy to Principle investigator ([email protected]) before and on 31st august,2022 (5:00 PM).
Please send an email with handing line “Application for JRF-RT”. The intimation will be given via emails to shortlisted candidates.

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