Performance Qualifications Of Generation Of Purified Water covers the following points:
- Design Basis & Treatment Philosophy – Scope of Supply & Terminal points
- Technical Data
- Schedule of Exclusions
- Price and Commercial Terms
(A) DESIGN BASIS = Flow rates
- High Purity water: 4.5 m3/hr
The plant is designed to treat the required quantity and quality of water furnished by you
Inlet Parameters= Borewell water

- The raw water analysis is not worse than that considered for design.
- The plant is operated strictly in accordance with the operating instructions being furnished by us.
- Oil and grease are not present in the feed water.
- Turbidity: < NTU
- Free Chlorine: NIL
- Iron, Manganese: < 0.1 PPM
- Bacteria, Organics: NIL
- Oil & Grease: NIL
- Temperature: < 45 C
- SDI: 4 MAX
- For the raw water analysis mentioned above, we have ensured the above parameters fall within limits.
- All limiting conditions must be observed during the plant’s operation for satisfactory performance throughout the membrane/plant life.
- The treated effluent parameters are dependent on the inlet conditions. The fluctuations above 10% deviations from the design conditions will affect the quality and quantity of the treated effluent.
The water will be treated through the following stages:
Raw water is initially chlorinated by dosing (NaOCl) Sodium Hypochlorite solution by means of a metering pump. Chlorination serves the purpose of disinfection, as there may be the presence of bacterial count as the raw water source is surface water. Other than disinfection of organics, chlorination is also useful for the oxidation of ferrous ions to a ferric state, which is then further removed through the Multigrade Sand filter. Chlorination is done through INDION Chemical dosing system. The chlorinated water is then taken to the Multigrade Sand filter at a pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2 and a flow rate of 7.0 m3/hr.
Read Also: Design Qualification (DQ) Blister machine
Chlorinated water is then passed through INDION Multigrade Sand Filter at a pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2 and a flow rate of 7 m3/hr to reduce the suspended solids present in the raw water. The filter will effectively remove the suspended solids to less than 5 ppm. The filter will have to be washed with raw water for 10 to 15 mins daily. The INDION Multigrade Sand Filter is a depth filter that makes use of coarse and fine media mixed together in a fixed proportion. The material for the construction of the filter will be MSRL.
INDION Activated Carbon Filter is then used for the dechlorination of filtered water. Water from the sand filter will pass through INDION Activated carbon filter where the excess Chlorine will be removed along with undesired Colour and Odour. The filter should be back-washed once a day for 10 to 15 minutes with filtered water. The filter is designed for inlet-free chlorine of 1.0 ppm max. The material for the construction of the filter will be SS 304 and the filter will be steam sanitizable. The carbon used in the stated filter will be of special grade.
The Multigrade Sand Filter and Activated Carbon Filter are designed for a flow rate of 7 m3/hr and pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2. After the sand filter and the activated carbon filter, water is analyzed by the ORP for free chlorine. As the presence of free chlorine is a limiting condition for Reverse osmosis membrane, the presence of free chlorine up and above the desirable limit will actuate the auto dump valve and will drain the water.
Filtered water is then taken to the INDION Softener. Soft water is then dosed with NaOH.
Filtered and de-chlorinated water will be fed to the water softener for the removal of hardness. Salts of Calcium (Ca++) and Magnesium (Mg++) cause hardness in water and eventually lead to the formation of scales on the membranes. In order to avoid scaling potential on the membrane surface the raw water is passed through a softener. The softener consists of cation exchanger resin in Sodium form ( Na+ ). Water passing through this resin bed exchanges its Calcium and Magnesium ions with Sodium ions and softens the water.
Water is fed to the RO plant through a cartridge filter with a nominal rating of 5 microns to exclude particulate matter larger than the filter rating and thus prevent clogging of the membrane surface and protecting the high-pressure pump.
The reverse osmosis process is a membrane process in which a synthetic semi-permeable membrane is used to separate water from dissolved impurities. When a semi-permeable membrane separates a dilute and concentrated solution of salts, due to osmosis, the water from the dilute solution side passes through the membrane to the concentrated side till osmotic equilibrium is attained. Now, if the pressure is applied and increased gradually on the concentrated side, the flow of water continues to reduce till the applied pressure is equal to the osmotic pressure. Any pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure reverses the direction of the flow of water and water from the concentrated side enters the dilute side. This process is called Reverse Osmosis.
It is essential to ensure that the water fed to reverse osmosis membranes is free from particulate matter, scale-forming salts of Ca & Mg, and silica to prevent membrane fouling. Also, the water should be free from organic matter, heavy metals, and oxidizing agents like free chlorine.
Water with a TDS of 255 ppm is fed into the Reverse Osmosis Unit. The water is pumped into the system and permeated water at a TDS of 10-12 ppm will be delivered by the RO plant.
The Reverse Osmosis unit comprises a high-pressure pump, pressure tubes, and Reverse Osmosis membranes as the main components. About 70 – 75 % of the feed water is available as the permeate (product) and the balance is rejected from the system.
The RO will be complete with high-pressure tubes, membranes, and necessary instrumentation and controls.
The function of this RO is to reduce the TDS of water. The RO-treated water is then taken to the SS316 RO tank (5KL).
The RO water thus treated is then passed through a polisher unit, which polishes the water further to obtain water of desired quality & conductivity of fewer than 1 micro siemens/cm and pH of 5 – 7. Removal of cations and subsequent anions leads to the production of demineralized or deionized water. DM-treated water is then passed through the INDION Ultrafiltration system.
Demineralized water will be fed into the Ultrafiltration (UF) feed tank. From the tank water will be pumped into the UF modules. The UF module consists of a bundle of hollow fiber membranes. The pore size of the membranes is such that it allows water to flow through but retains bacteria, pyrogens, and other macromolecules. Prior to being fed into the UF modules the water is passed through a Micron cartridge filter to prevent the particulate matter from entering the Ultrafiltration Module and to prevent the UF modules from being choked.
The UF system works at a “Recovery” of 90 %. This means that 90% of the feed water will be available as Purified water and the remaining 10% will carry all the rejected bacteria and pyrogens that would be drained. The pore size of the membranes offered by us is 10,000 Molecular cutoffs = 0.001 Microns. This will result in a reduction of inlet Bacteria count by 6 LRV and pyrogens by 4 LRV, and the Endotoxins will be reduced to less than 0.25 EU /ml. LRV = Log Reduction of particles. For e.g., feed water with 10,000 Cfu/ml bacterial count at the inlet of the UF System, when filtered through the membrane will give 1 CFU/ml of bacteria. Hence there will be 6 LRV reduction of Bacteria.
Whenever the system is kept shut it has to be sanitized to prevent bacterial growth in the stagnant water. The sanitization is done by circulating hot water at 80 °C or Sodium Hypochlorite solution
UF system is manually operated, however, the instrumentation is provided for safety measures. A Level controller switch is provided to the Feed Tank to control the system on-off automatically based on the high and low levels in the feed tank. This Level switch on the tank will switch the feed pump to the UF Modules when the level of the water in the tank is low and will give the signal to the device that is fitted at the feed of the UF System ( pump or solenoid valve not included in the scope supply currently) to stop the supply of the water to feed tank of the UF system. Pressure gauges are provided at the Inlet feed, Reject drain, and the Permeate connections of the modules system. Flow Indicators are provided in the system for measuring the flows. The same is also used during cleaning cycles.
The treated water from the Ultrafiltration system then goes to the Purified SS tank.
- INDION Chemical Dosing System :3 nos.
For NaOCl (chlorination), SMBS Dosing & NaOH Dosing.
2. INDION Multigrade Sand Filter with 1 no
- One set of Frontal pipework and valves
- One set of internal water distribution and collection system
- One initial charge of filter media and under bed material
- Two pressure gauges
3. INDION Activated Carbon Filter with 1 no
- One set of Frontal pipework and valves
- One set of internal water distribution and collection system
- One initial charge of filter media and under bed material
- Pressure gauge.
- MOC – SS304.
- One set of valves
- The first charge of Resin,
- Brine measuring tank with adjustable indicating clamp
- Rubber lining
- One set of hydraulic ejectors
INDION RO plant Skid comprising of 1 no
- Cartridge Pre-Filter
- SS pressure vessels
- Membranes-HS ( Toray / Dow )
- Grundfos Multistage high pressure pump (SS 316)
- High-pressure piping
- Low feed pressure switch for pump protection
- Cleaning connections
- The Control panel consists of.
- Pump discharge pressure indicator.
- Feed and concentrate pressure indicator.
- Product and concentrate flow meters.
- Digital Conductivity Meter.
- Power-on light.
6. INDION RO cleaning system complete with the tank: 1 no
cartridge filter with SS 304 housing, SS 304 pump mounted
on a skid.
7. INDION Mix Bed Unit shall consist of the following: 1 lot
- Programmable logic controller.
- Solenoid Valves-USA Make.
- Pressure gauges
- Conductivity meter at the outlet.
- Acid measuring tanks and Caustic dilution tank
- MSRL interconnecting piping.
- Feed Pump: 1 no
- Membranes: 1 set
- Valves: 1 lot
- Feed tank to feed pump ICPW: 1 lot
- Feed Pump discharge to membranes module: 1 lot
- Product pipework: 1 lot
- Reject pipework: 1 lot
- High-pressure switch: 2 nos
- Pressure gauges: 5 nos
- Pre-filter- SS Housing: 1 no
- Ultrafiltration skid: 1 set
- Recirculation pipework: 1 set
- Interconnecting pipework: 1 lot.
9. Raw Water Pump (1 working + 1 store): 1 set.
10. SS 316 Tank ( RO 2 KL & DM Storage 2 KL): 2 no.
11. MB Feed Water Transfer Pump: 1 no.
1) Digital Conductivity Meter( Mix Bed Outlet µP based) : 1 no
2) Digital Ph Meter (Microprocessor-based(µP) ) : 1 no.
3) Digital ORP Meter(Microprocessor-based(µP) : 1 no.
- Inlet to Raw Water Pump.
- Inlet to Ultrafiltration system
- The outlet of the Ultrafiltration system.
- Drain/overflow/reject outlets of all equipment.
- Power input to all Pumps & Motor, Drives.
- Electrical connection&cables both control & signal& Cable trays for wiring.
NaoCl / SMBS / NaOH dosing | 3 | |
Metering pump | Diaphragm pump type | |
Nos offered | 1 | |
Capacity | Max flow: 1.08 lits/hr | |
Material of construction | PVC | |
Chemical preparation/dosing tank | 1 | |
Capacity Litres | Volume: 100 lits | |
Material of construction | HDPE | |
Level Switch | At pump suction assembly | 1 |
MOC | MSRL | |
Service Flow rate | 7.5 m3/hr | |
Max flow rate | 7.5 m3/hr | |
Frontal piping | 25 / 40 mm | |
Mode of operation | Manual | |
Filter media | Graded sand | |
Backwash time | 15 – 20 minutes/day | |
Backwash water | Raw water | |
Pressure drop | 0.5 – 0.8 (Max) | |
MOC | SS304 | |
Service Flow rate | 7.5 m3/hr | |
Max flow rate | 7.5 m3/hr | |
Frontal piping | 25 / 40 mm | |
Mode of operation | Manual | |
Filter media | Activated Carbon. | |
Backwash time | 15 – 20 minutes/day | |
Backwash water | Raw water | |
Pressure drop | 0.5 – 0.8 (Max) |
MOC | MSRL | |
Service Flow rate | 7.5 m3/hr | |
Max flow rate | 7.5 m3/hr | |
Frontal piping | 25 / 40 mm | |
Mode of operation | Manual | |
Filter media | 220 Na | |
Pressure drop | 0.5 – 0.8 (Max) |
Resins 200 ltrs
The RO plant will be entirely skid mounted on an M.S. frame. The cartridge filter, High-pressure pump, Pressure Tubes, All piping, fittings, panel, etc. will be assembled on the frame, tested prior to despatch, and suitably packed.
Nos. Offered: 1 no
Feed Rate: 7 m3 / hr.
Permeate Recovery: 70- 75 %
Permeate Flow Rate: 5 m3 / hr.
Feed water TDS: 255 ppm
Permeate water TDS: < 12 ppm
Diameter of membranes: 8 “
No of pressure tubes: 2
No. of membranes: 6
Power Supply: 415 V, 50 Hz
Pump Make: Grundfos
Drive Motor: 7.5 HP / 2900 RPM
Flow rate | 5.0 m3/hr | |
Treated water conductivity | 1 micromho | |
Treated water pH | 6.5 to 7.5 | |
Regeneration time | 2 hrs. | |
Chemicals/regeneration | ||
32 % HCl | 20 | |
32 % NaOH | 20 | |
Inlet / Outlet connections | 25/40 mm | |
Drain connections | 40 mm | |
AMT 600*900 CDT 625*925 | ||
Quantity | 1 | |
Capacity | 5 m3/hr | |
Type | Horizontal Centrifugal | |
Material of construction | SS 316 | |
No. of Modules | 3 | |
Hours of operation | 20 hrs. | |
Capacity – Feed | 5.00 m3/hr | |
– Permeate | 4.5 m3/hr | |
System Recovery | 90% | |
– Type | Hollow Fibre. | |
Molecular weight cut-off | 10000 | |
Operating temperature | 25 – 30°C | |
Ph Meter | ||
Make | Indion. | |
Range | 0-14Ph |
(Equipment and Services to be provided by Purchaser)
- All civil work includes the design and construction of foundations, drains, drain sumps, neutralization sump supports of all types for equipment, piping & electrical cables, platforms, drain channels, plant building, and mass concreting of units (if required). We shall only provide load data.
- Acid/alkali proof lining of required areas like neutralizing sump, acid & alkali handling areas, etc.
- All electrical works like power supply to all drives & instrumentation, MCC, power and instrumentation cables & cable trays, underground earthing, and plant lighting including materials, erection, and commissioning.
- Skilled, unskilled labor supervisory staff, tools, and tackle for erection and commissioning of the plant. We shall provide supervision of the erection & commissioning of the plant by our engineer on the terms and conditions mentioned in our offer.
- Laboratory facilities include necessary instruments, chemicals, and staff.
- Lubricants, oils, and grease wherever required including the first charge.
- Water supply at the required temperature and pressure at the inlet of the equipment offered.
- Acid/alkali/chemicals and any other consumables including the first charge.
- Relevant connections from termination points are given in our offer.
- The scope of supply and services is not specifically mentioned as forming a part of our offer.