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Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller (1 Post)

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Eligible individuals should apply to fill the position of Deputy Drug Controller (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homoeopathy), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. Recruitment for drug controllers will be under the Ministry of Ayush.

Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller

About Ayush Program:

PV is the science of gathering, monitoring, researching, evaluating, and summarising data from healthcare professionals and patients on the side effects of prescription drugs, biological products, blood products, herbal remedies, vaccines, medical devices, and complementary and alternative medicines with the goal of discovering new information about product hazards and preventing patient harm.

This was believed to be necessary in order to give these systems more attention in the face of a powerful counterpart in the form of the allopathic system of medicine, which caused an “architectural correction” in the health service that the National Rural Health Mission had in mind (NRHM). Health in India is a state-specific issue, hence most of these systems, including workforces, medicines, and principles, were only applicable in certain states before the introduction of NRHM. After the NRHM was implemented and the AYUSH systems were integrated into the system of conventional medical care, this took a turn for the worse.

AYUSH concepts have also been applied to the management of widespread issues with community health. The program implementation and planning (PIPs) of different states make these clear. While many of these initiatives are successfully being conducted in some states, others have requested approval of alternative programs in their PIPs.

Post to Apply for: Deputy Drug Control Officer (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homoeopathy)

Table for Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller

Mode of recruitment Deputation(ISTC)/Promotion
Scale of pay/ Grade Pay Scale of pay/ Grade Pay: Level 12 of the pay matrix (Rs.78,800-2,09,200)
age limit not to exceed 56 years old
Last date for receipt of applications: Within 60 days of the date of publication

Remarks: BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS Degree holders will be entitled to plus NPA

Criteria for Eligibility:

Officers in the Central/State/Union Territory Governments/Recognized Research Institutions/Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/Autonomous or Statutory Organizations:

  • Five years of service in the grade rendered after appointment on a regular basis in Level-11 (Rs.67,700- 2,08,700) in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre/department;
  • OR with 5 years of service in the grade rendered after joining on a regular basis in Level-11 (Rs.67,700- 2,08,700) in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre/department.
  • Holding an Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy or Pharmacy of (Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy) degree given by a University recognized by the Central or State Government for this purpose.
  • Ten years of professional expertise in Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy medicine manufacturing, testing, and regulation.

Note 1: The departmental Assistant Drug Controller of Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani/Homoeopathy in Level-11 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 67,700 – Rs. 2,08,700) with five years of regular service in the grade and the educational qualifications and experience prescribed for deputations will be considered along with outsiders, and if he/she is selected for appointment to the post, the same will be deemed to have

Note 2: A deputation period (including a short-term contract) in another ex-cadre position held instantly before this position in the same or a different institution/department of the Central Government shall typically not exceed 4 years. As of the closing date for receipt of applications, the maximum age restriction for an appointment via transfer on deputation (ISTC) is 56 years.

Tenure of Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller:

From the date of appointment to four years, or until the parent organization retires, whichever comes first.

Responsibilities and Duties

  • To lead and coordinate the Drug Control Cell/AYUSH Vertical in CDSCO, which is responsible for centrally regulating Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homoeopathy pharmaceuticals as well as dealing with industry issues.
  • Coordination with PCIM and H and respective Pharmacopoeia Committees in matters of quality and standards of ASU and H pharmaceuticals.
  • Coordination with PCIM and H and respective Pharmacopoeia Committees in matters of quality and standards of ASU and H drugs.
  • Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller has to assist the Drug Controller General (India) in the consistent execution of various conditions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules, as well as the Drugs and Remedies Act and Rules, as they pertain to ASU and H drugs;
  • To assist the DCG(I) in coordinating with the State Licensing Authorities/Drug Controllers of ASU and H Drugs in the enforcement of appropriate legal conditions, regulatory review, or WHO-GM P/CoPP certificate of manufacturing divisions.
  • To examine the technical aspects of ASU and H drugs arising from the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945, as well as the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 1954 and Rules, in order to provide guidance on the uniform application of various provisions relating to Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homoeopathy drugs.
  • To supervise the activities and work performance of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and Homoeopathy Drug Inspectors and Assistant Drug Controllers, as well as to provide them with the required direction and training.
  • Assist in the processing, decision-making, and preparation of replies/comments in technical or legal matters relating to ASU and H drugs received from States, Central Ministries/Departments, Parliament, Parliamentary Committees, Courts, and the general public.
  • To serve as an Appellate Authority for RTI appeals and public complaints involving ASU and H medicines.
  • To provide technical assistance or reports to the Deputy Drug Controller (ASU and H), DCGI, Ministry of AYUSH/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in respect of ASU and H drugs as and when requested by the Deputy Drug Controller (ASU and H), DCGI, Ministry of AYUSH/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Work to Place: Ministry of Ayush, New Delhi

General Instructions of Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller: Applications received outside of the proper channels, as well as those received after the application deadline, will not be considered and will be summarily rejected.

Last date for receipt of applications:

Within 60 days of the date of publication of the advertisement for Recruitment for Deputy Drug Controller in the employment newspapers, the application complete in all respects in duplicate should reach Shri Abdul Sadiq Khan, Under Secretary, Establishment-I Division, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India, AYUSH Bhawan, B-Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023 through proper channel in the prescribed proforma.

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