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SOP on Calibration, Operation and cleaning of Balances

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1.0 OBJECTIVE: To lay down a procedure for calibration, operation and cleaning of balances.
2.0 SCOPE: The procedure is applicable to the calibration, operation and cleaning of balances in Production area.
Officer, Executive – Production Department
Manager – Production Department

5.1 General Calibration
5.1.1 Ensure the cleanliness of the weighing balance.
5.1.2 Check the spirit level and rectify it if necessary. (If the spirit level is not provided on balance, use the portable spirit level and check the level by keeping it on the platform. If not in order, correct it by adjusting the base screws). Record it on the respective annexure as ‘OK /Not OK’.
5.1.3 Press and hold the ‘RE-ZERO’ key and simultaneously press the ‘TARE’, ‘↑’, and ‘←’ keys one after another. The display will show ‘S-on’.
5.1.4 Press and hold the ‘RE-ZERO’ key and simultaneously press the‘←’, ‘TARE’, and again the ‘TARE’ keys one after another. Maximum capacity of balance will display. Set 300 for 600 Kg capacity balance.
5.1.5 Press the ‘RE-ZERO’ key. The balance will display ‘CAL-00’.
5.1.6 Press the ‘RE-ZERO’ key. The balance will display ‘CAL-sp’.

5.1.7 Put the standard weight for the respective balance as per the following table, in the center of the weighing platform.

weighing balance calibration

5.1.8 Press the ‘RE-ZERO’ key. The balance screen will show some reading.
5.1.9 Press the ‘TARE’ key. The balance will display ‘S-on’.
5.1.10 Turn ‘OFF’ the electric supply. The balance will turn ‘OFF’.
5.2 Daily Calibration
5.2.1 Operate the balance as per step no. 5.3.
5.2.2 Put the standard weight on the weighing platform as per the following table for respective balance.

weighing balance calibration 1

5.2.3 Place the standard weights one by one on the weighing platform/ pans and check the readings.
5.2.4 Record the readings in the respective format as given in Annexure-I to V.
5.2.5 A balance is considered satisfactory for use if the readings are found to be within the acceptable limit of the balance as mentioned in the respective annexure for a balance and place ‘CALIBRATION TAG’ as per annexure-VI.
5.2.6 If the readings are exceeding the acceptable limit, write remarks as ‘General Calibration Required’. Perform general calibration and perform daily calibration. If the also balance does not measure weight within the limit affix the “UNDER MAINTENANCE” tag and inform the head of the department and engineering department for necessary action and record the same in the balance calibration record.
5.2.7 Do not use a balance till the problem is rectified.
5.2.8 After rectification, recalibrate the balance before use and enter the same in the respective annexure.
5.2.9 Check for the zero error as per the specific operation procedure of the balance and enter the reading in the respective annexure for the balance.
5.2.10 Use the Standard weights duly certified by the Weights and Measures Department.
5.2.11 Frequency: 1. Daily Calibration of the balance is to be done once a day.

General calibration has to be performed whenever daily calibration fails and after any Maintenance.
Note: The standard weights used for calibration of the balances should be cleaned with a dry lint-free cloth and are to be kept in a Weight Box/trolley.

5.3 Operation
5.3.1 Ensure the cleanliness of the weighing balance.
5.3.2 Check the spirit level and rectify it if necessary. (If the spirit level is not provided on balance, use portable spirit level and check the level by keeping it on the platform. If not in order, correct it by adjusting the base screws). Record it on the respective annexure as ‘OK /Not OK’.
5.3.4 Ensure zero reading on screen before any weighing. Place the object to be weighed on the weighing platform of the balance. Balance will measure the weight of the object and display it. Wait till the reading on screen stabilizes. Remove the Object.
5.3.5 Turn ‘OFF’ the balance after use.
5.4 Cleaning
5.4.1 Ensure that electric connection is disconnected to the balance.
5.4.2 Clean the platform with a clean dry lint-free cloth.
5.4.3 Clean the main body of the balance with a dry clean lint-free cloth.

Kg: Kilograms.
g: gram.
QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.

Related SOP: SOP on Making entries in equipment usage and cleaning log sheet

Annexure –I: Daily Balance Calibration Record (Capacity: 6000 g)
Annexure –II: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 30 Kg )
Annexure –III: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 60 Kg )
Annexure –IV: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 150 Kg )
Annexure –V: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 600 Kg )
Annexure –V : Calibration Tag

Annexure –I: Daily Balance Calibration Record (Capacity: 6000 g)
Annexure –II: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 30 Kg )
Annexure –III: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 60 Kg )
Annexure –IV: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 150 Kg )
Annexure –V: Daily Balance Calibration Record ( Capacity: 600 Kg )
Annexure –V : Calibration Tag

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