Induction Policy the strategy of (Organization Name) is to provide all new employees with a comprehensive induction that will welcome & introduce Employees to the Organization, their expected area of work & their department.
The purpose of induction is to ensure the effective integration of new employees into or across the Organization for the benefit of individuals to achieve the set of the assigned job leading to the achievement of organizational objectives.

Details of Induction Policy and Procedure
II. Policy Statement
The aim of the induction Policy is to ensure that all new employees receive an induction program appropriate to their job description & set objectives for the position.
The Organization commits to providing a program that will meet both the individual’s as well as corporate objectives.
III. Scope of policy
The policy covers induction at all grades.
IV. Process
A. Pre-arrival Preparation
(i) To ensure that new appointee/s have a professional introduction to the Organization and their work area, it is important that there is adequate preparation prior to their arrival.
(ii) The responsibility for the pre-arrival lies with HRD and it should occur at least one week in advance of the appointee’s arrival.
(iii) Finalization of the name of the Induction Mentor primary from HRD & secondary from the concerned department in consultation with the departmental head by HRD.
(iv) Issues to be considered prior to the new employees’ arrival:
- Allocation of office space
- Purchase/ allocation of equipment including:
- Computer
- Telephone
- Work desk
- Business Cards
- Creation of an e-mail ID on the internet server.
- Nomination of the Induction mentor(s)
- Deciding & formulating the length of induction: The length of the induction process will depend on the type of post, the complexity of the duties, and the skills and previous experience of the new employee.
- However, for senior positions, it can be up to 24 working days, and for middle and junior positions it can be up to 12 working days.
B. On Joining date:
(i) Joining Docket to be given to the employee which includes:
- Induction Manual
- Copy of HR Policies
- Bank Form for Opening a Bank Account
- Income Declaration Form– for calculation of tax deduction
- Telephone List and Telephone Extension List
- Communication expense reimbursement module [Mobile / Land Line (if applicable)].
- Transportation facility [subsidized bus service / another subsidized transportation service / Car requisition module (if applicable)].
- Induction letter detailing expectations of the company at the end of induction.
(ii) All the above formalities shall be undertaken by the HRD representative along with the Induction mentor who will assist the new employee during induction into the Organisation. This person should be available to answer the new employee’s questions and assist him in settling into the Organisation.

(iii) It should be followed by a detailed discussion on:
- Organizational Structure
- Hours of duty (including lunch break with timing)
- Location of key amenities (information on toilets, conference/ meeting halls, lunch room/ canteen, etc)
- Mail system (Internal/external)
- Emergency procedures (injury/fire)
- How to obtain stationery requirements
- How to book meeting rooms/conference halls
- Facilities for photocopying & printing
- Parking arrangements
- Vehicle bookings
(iv) Organisational Induction Presentation:
It should specify the size (number of employees, branches, etc), history & how our Company Operates. And most importantly the vision, mission, goal & Objective of the Organisation. Information about the manufacturing & R&D facilities and other offices at other locations.
(v) Induct the employee about the business processes.
(vi) Hand over a detailed role, key responsibility areas & accountabilities of the assigned job, appraisal policy & increment policy for his position.
C. Second day of Induction Policy:
(i) Hand over a complete docket of data relevant to the position. (The preparation of the data has to be on the basis of the role &
responsibilities entrusted to the position. The content of the data would vary from whether the position is supposed to be joining a tactical/strategic or leadership role).
(ii) Organisation structure of the Department.
(iii) Vision for the department.
(iv) Departmental employee details – details about the present salary structures (of those who shall be reporting to him/her), areas of work of all employees in the department, and their professional background (in case an employee is joining as Departmental Head).
(v) Present scenario, vis-a-vis details of the customers (which might include doctor list; stockists; retailer list in case of Sales & Marketing staff; list of research institutes R&D collaborations for R&D; Stockist & C&F list in case of distribution; details of third party / contractual manufacturing, etc in case of Production; Details of vendors in case of Purchase, etc.).
(vi) Mode of operation of the business.
(vii) Standard Operating Procedures.
(viii) Standard Operating Guidelines.
(ix) Administrative procedures involved, viz approvals, sanctions, related authorities, departments, etc.
(x) Details of budget.
(xi) Details of the area of scope.
(xii) Status of the achievement of goals of the department for the last three years.
D. Instructions for the Induction mentor
(i) To clarify the purpose & process of induction.
(ii) To answer/facilitate query resolution of the new appointee.
(iii) To accompany to lunch every day.
(iv) To visit for at least half an hour daily and have a detailed informal discussion on both professional & general topics.
(v) No introduction with key people across the Organization except the immediate supervisor during the induction program.
(vi) The new joinee should not be given a feeling of being secluded from the mainstream, ensuring that he understands the objective of such an induction.
E. Towards the end of the Induction Policy
The inductee is supposed to evaluate the existing system & develop a vision for the Department in line with the Organisation’s vision as well as design a future strategy/target for the department or the position, as the case may be, and give a presentation on the same to the Management/ Head of the department as the case may be.
F. Introduction to Team and cross-functional Team members:
After this, the employee will be introduced to all other team members of the department and cross-functional team members and if need be will be put on induction for a couple of days to understand another department (s) functioning.
G. Feedback on the Induction Program
The induction Mentor should submit feedback on the inductee’s performance & take written feedback from the new joinee on a daily basis with respect to his feedback about the complete process for the total duration of the induction period. A copy of the daily induction report has to be sent on a daily basis to the HRD Head & concerned department head by the primary & secondary appointed mentors.
V. Powers to Amend
The management at its own discretion may make changes to this Induction Policy as it deems fit from time to time.
Joint Managing Director
Date :
Name :
Dear Mr.,
Welcome to (Organisation Name)
We take this opportunity to welcome you to (Organisation Name). We hope you will find your career with us rewarding and challenging.
As a part of our Induction Policy process, you will undergo an induction program with us for a period not exceeding _ working days*. The purpose is to acquaint you in detail with the organization and the department you will work with. During this period, you will be provided with relevant data as to what has been happening in the past, and current systems & procedures of the functioning of the department. Basis this, you need to evaluate the existing systems and develop a vision for the department in line with the Organisation’s vision as well as design a future strategy and target for the department & for your position. At the end of the induction program, you will make a presentation on the future strategy and target to the Management / Head of the department as the case may be. Your primary mentor is ______ and your secondary mentor is __ for the duration of your induction.
We wish you all the best in your new endeavor.
Best regards,
cc: To the concerned HOD
The period of induction not exceeding working days will depend on the Grade and responsibilities assigned to the new employee (not exceeding 24 working days or 12 working days as the case may be defined in the policy). Accordingly, the number of days needs to be mentioned here.