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Design Qualification (DQ) Blister machine

Design Qualification (DQ) blister machine

A Blister machine is used to pack the Tablets and capsules by using packaging materials to unit and protect the products from the external environment. Design Qualification (DQ) blister machine including the following contents: Details of Design Qualification (DQ) Blister machine 1.0 OBJECTIVE: 2.0 SCOPE: 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES: CLIENT: MANUFACTURER: 5.0 MACHINE DESCRIPTION The purpose of … Read more

Protocol For Factory Acceptance Test of the Fluid Bed Processor

Factory Acceptance Test of the Fluid Bed Processor

Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) makes sure that recently produced and packaged equipment serves the purpose for which it was designed. The FAT verifies the equipment’s functionality and confirms that all other requirements and the customer’s purchase order parameters have been met. Below is the detailed protocol for the Factory Acceptance Test of the Fluid Bed … Read more

Protocol for Performance Qualifications of vial Sealing machine

vial sealing machine

The main structure of the automatic vial sealing machine is protected by SS cabinet safety polycarbonate glass doors, and it also includes a Delrin slate conveyor, a screw that adjusts the height of the vials, a centralized lubrication system, an out-feed turntable, a vibrator bowl and chute for the cap, an in-feed screw, and star … Read more