1.0 Objective: To establish a procedure for the operation of the Bin Blender.
2.0 Scope: This procedure applies to the Bin Blender located in the manufacturing area.
3.0 Responsibility:
Officers and Executives in the Production Department are responsible for this procedure.
The Production Department Manager is responsible for overall compliance with this SOP.
4.0 Definitions: NA
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Equipment Preparation:
- Ensure a ‘CLEANED’ label is affixed on the equipment and that it is clean along with the surrounding area.
- Remove the ‘CLEANED’ label, affix it to the respective BMR, and attach an ‘UNDER PROCESS’ label on the equipment.
- Record all observations in the Equipment Usage Log Sheet.
5.2 Equipment Login:
- Turn on the control using the ‘ON/OFF’ key. The opening screen will display the date and time.
- Touch ‘Login’ on the screen. Use the keypad to enter the correct password and confirm with ‘Enter’. There are three access levels:
- Level 3 for recipe editing.
- Levels 2 and 1 for machine operation in auto and manual mode.
5.4 Recipe Edition:
- Access level 3. Touch ‘Recipe Edit’ on the screen. Load process parameters such as ‘Product Name, Batch No., Operator Name, Mfg. Date, Exp. Date, Batch size’ according to the BMR.
- Touch ‘Next’ to proceed and load parameters like ‘Bunker Capacity, Pre-Lubrication Time, Blender RPM, Print Interval’ as per the BMR.
- Touch ‘Recipe Save’ to save the recipe. Provide a suitable name and confirm. To delete a recipe, touch ‘Recipe Delete’, select the recipe, and confirm the deletion.
- Touch ‘Exit’ to return to the opening screen.
5.5 Auto Mode Operation:
- In the opening screen, touch ‘Auto Mode’ and follow instructions to operate the machine in an automated cycle.
- Unlock the safety railing, follow on-screen instructions for each step, and touch ‘OK’ accordingly.
- Start the cycle by touching ‘Start’ and monitor the operation. The cycle will stop automatically after the set blending time.
- Follow instructions for unloading, lubrication, and cleaning. Affix appropriate labels after the operation.
5.6 Manual Mode Operation and Unloading:
- In the opening screen, touch ‘Manual Mode’ and set blending time and RPM.
- Operate the machine manually, unload as needed, and affix labels as required.
5.7 Log Out:
- Touch ‘Log Out’ and turn off the control key.
5.8 Cleaning and Documentation:
- Take the blender bin to the designated area if not unloaded.
- Affix ‘TO BE CLEANED’ labels on the bin blender and blender bin if necessary.
- Record all observations in the Equipment Usage Log Sheet.
6.0 Abbreviations:
BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record
IPC: In Process Container
QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
7.0 References:
SOP: Making entries in equipment usage and cleaning log sheet.
8.0 Annexures:
None available.