1.0 OBJECTIVE: The objective is to establish a procedure for the reconciliation and destruction of packing materials.
2.0 SCOPE: This procedure applies to the reconciliation and destruction of packing materials in the production area.
The responsibility lies with the Operator, Officer, and Executive of the Production Department, as well as the Manager of the Production Department.
Not applicable.
5.1 Perform batch-wise reconciliation as per the respective Batch Packing Record (BPR).
5.2 Enter the details in the “Reconciliation of Packing Material” table in the BPR.
5.3 After completing the packing operation, count the rejected units and collect them in a separate poly bag for destruction.
5.4 Record the rejects in the BPR. Rejected materials include any unused, overprinted, loose primary and secondary packing materials, or those rejected due to the online detection of defects.
5.5 Follow the procedure below for the destruction of various packing materials.
5.6 Aluminum Foil, PVC/PVDC Film:
5.6.1 After completing the batch, weigh the scrap and trim and record the foil rejections in the respective BPR.
5.6.2 Ensure that the foil rejection does not contain any product. Return the unused good quantity of Aluminum foil, and PVC/PVDC Film in rolls to the stores.
5.6.3 Collect all the rejected printed packing materials (Printed Aluminum Film, PVC/PVDC film) and transfer them to the scrap area for destruction. Collect the material in a polybag, tie it properly, and label it as “SCRAP.” Note: Return to stores any excess aluminum foil exceeding 1 kg and excess PVC/PVDC material exceeding 3 kg.
5.7 Labels, Cartons, Leaflets, and Catch Covers:
5.7.1 In the case of cartons/labels/catch covers rejected during overprinting, destroy the rejections by tearing them into pieces and record the quantity in the respective batch record.
5.7.2 Upon completion of the batch, count and record the quantity of rejected and unused (overprinted or blank) materials.
5.7.3 Destroy these materials by tearing them into pieces and transferring them to the scrap area. Note: Return to stores any excess unprinted labels, cartons, leaflets, and catch covers exceeding 100 in number.
5.8 Corrugated Boxes:
5.8.1 After completing the batch, count and record the quantity of corrugated boxes. Deface and tear these shippers and transfer them to the scrap area.
5.8.2 Transfer the above material to the scrap yard. Note: Return to stores any excess unprinted shippers exceeding 3 in number.
Related SOP: SOP on indenting Additional Packing Material
BPR: Batch Packing Record
PVC: Poly Vinyl Chloride
PVdC: Poly Vinylidene Chloride
Q.A.: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
Not applicable.