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SOP on Shift Handover in Production Department

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Procedure for Shift Handover in the Production Department, Shift handover in pharmaceuticals and other industries is the best way of communication to provide real-time information about the stage of a product that is undergoing or undeplaning during a shift rotation.

two mans shaking handling while shift handover

1.0 Objective: This procedure aims to establish a standardized process for the smooth transition of responsibilities between shifts.

2.0 Scope: This procedure applies to the handover of charge between shifts within the production department.

3.0 Responsibility:
Officer, Executive – Production Department
Manager – Production Department

4.0 Definitions:
Not Applicable (NA)

5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Shift Handover Instructions:
The following instructions should be provided by the current shift officer to the next shift officer during the charge handover:

5.1.1 Share the names of the products, lots, and workmen assigned to each machine.
5.1.2 Communicate the status of each machine, including whether it is undergoing changeover, maintenance, or functioning smoothly.
5.1.3 Allocate tasks to the workers of the next shift.
5.1.4 Discuss the production planning for the upcoming shift.
5.1.5 Highlight any special precautions that need to be taken in case of problems or challenges.
5.1.6 Explain any changes in the original plan and provide the reasons for these changes. Offer remedies for any anticipated issues.
5.1.7 Provide a visual representation of the actual physical status of the processes.

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6.0 Abbreviations:
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

7.0 References:
Not Applicable (NA)

8.0 Annexures:

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