Procedure for Destruction of Rejected Dies and Punches

1.0 Objective: To establish a procedure for the destruction of rejected dies and punches.
2.0 Scope: This procedure applies to the destruction of rejected dies and punches used in the production department.
3.0 Responsibility: Officers and Executives in the Production Department
Managers in the Production Department
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Destruction of Rejected Dies and Punches:
4.1.2 Inform the engineering department about the rejected die punches through an Inter Office Memo (IOM).
4.1.3 Hand over the rejected die punches to the engineering department.
4.1.4 Document all observations related to the rejected die punches in Annexure-I.
Related SOP:
5.0 Abbreviations:
QA: Quality Assurance
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
IOM: Inter Office Memo
ANNEXURE – I: Rejected Punches / Dies Record
Related SOP: SOP on Operating Procedure for 35-Station Double Rotary Compression Machine